Enlightened 2

by , on
ápr 15, 2012

I have to write… I cannot stand… It’s 11.32 pm. I’ve just finished a 6 pages letter… and I know I should sleep… but…

I have to share. I have to circulate… I feel if I won’t circulate the energy that I have within and around I will be the spot in the Universe that will create another Big Bang…

I already sent messages for everyone to say I Love them, and I am grateful for their beingness and for the experiences that we live together here on Earth. I spread out all over a lot of the energy that I am carrying now… and with the answeres that I received I’ve got more! So I have to share, I have to vibrate again…

The Walking Angel is getting more and more alive. I use my legs. I walk a lot in the hills. The Walking Angel works on herself. In every moment, in the infinite particles of the

moments. I can Be with It. I can Be with all of It. The Space is huge, incredible, new, infinite, crowded and empty. And in this empty space the Everything is there, and the Everything is in a permanent change… It is moving, continuously expanding, pulsing, and It’s content is permanently changing. I can Be with It… with all of It. I am focused and concentrated, but it is different. I don not concentrate to one point. My focus is wide and I can pay attention on million spots. I am able to handle even 5-6 things in the same time with full attention. With the sense… I can feel all of the beings in the world as little spots. I feel the Oneness as a living being… and in It’s ‘body’ I can feel all of the cells who create the One… like Myself, and people who walk in the streets, and the others who are waking up on the other side of the Earth. I feel the permanent connection. I feel the Space where I’ve arrived. This Space is changing and growing in every second. I can feel now the Infinite World that I lived in… while I was a Flying Angel. And I feel my arraiving into the physical world as well. The fusion of these two worlds is making a huge impression on Me and me. Each qualities of mine are in a very high preassure. It feels like two Universes merge. They enter each other, destroy and create… I already can see why I’ve waited with this till now. I can say it is not easy… It needs something special to enter the material world with the infinite consciousness and try to merge the infinite with the finite. Every moment… even the particles of the moments are infinite… there’s no end of it. The experience of the physical world from an infinite perspective. It’s highly impressive… and the powers and forces, that I feel in this Space… and I can be with It… with the all of It. Huhhh….

My everyday mantra… a tool to help: “I can Be with You!… with all of You!”

With all of this Space, with all of it’s contets… infinite and finite, miracles and the nothing, beauty and the completeness, emptiness, and this very impulsive Something… and then nothing.

I’m trying continuously to ground myself… I feel the need… and I feel I am here, yes I can be in the body. That’s why the happening is so strong and impressive… but I cannot turn it off. It’s in everything. I take out the clothes from the washing machine or I do the dishes… And I’m in the story with an infinite view. Living the physical act is only the 1% of the moment. I live it, but it is just a drop in the sea. And I feel myself as a drop and as the Sea as well… in paralell. It feels like me and the infinite Space merged… And It is not optional… the Presence of this Space is permanent.

And there’s a huge amount of information in this Space… There’s the presence of the physical world with it’s whole content: I feel the air, the texture of the air, the flow of the air, I feel the place, the space, the heat, the breeze, the Sun, the clouds, the energy waves and bubbles, the trees, the leaves, moving plants, the breath of the plants, I hear the birds, I feel their moving energy,i feel the bugs, I feel the vibration of the city, the vibration of the nation, and a vibration from somewhere else, maybe from Canada… I feel people, everyone, I feel the their feelings, and I see them, I feel their thoughts and their emotional condition, the needs, the desires… I feel myself as the One, the One who has all of the universal points in itself, the One who has the Everything within, I feel myself as a human as well… in the space and time, I feel my body, my moving, I feel the organs in my body, and the operating cells, I feel the whole surface of my skin from outside with the touches of

the world… and from inside with the touch of Me…. And there is the infnite world with it’s whole content: I feel the One. And  I feel the Nothing and Everything in It.

… and this is only a particle of a moment… and I have billions of moments…

And a great pile of human feelings. They are circulating, and streaming… sometimes I feel there’s not enough space in my body for them… and, yes, they are so many and so intensive… they have to brake out, and stream… Beauties in the moment and in the Space beyond dimensions… the movement of the leaves, the touch of the breeze, the smell of the evening, the change in my pelvis, and the extension of the Space in my body, the acceptance, the assimilation, and the total trust to allow… allow to merge… The sense of Space beyond time. The permanent Presence in Me and surrounding me. Love and love, ancient and new… eternal. And gratefulness. Huge, streaming… Ethusiasm and excitement. Power and stillness… and the very strong heart beat… Abd than the Silence where I came from… I allready reached that space… and the pulse of the rythm where I am now… And all of these in the same time, in the particles of a second… in every second… there is no pause… and if there is… it is the change itself.

My brain is like an Universe, multidimensional, a huge space… I feel it works permanently. It Sees everything and I see the network with all the contents, I see the connections and the coherence. And even my ego. It cannot understand anything, there’s too much information. It even cannot react. The moments that I live cannot be understood by anyone who lives in the mind. And my mind… yes, I have to say we are getting tired. I feel it’s a lot… My brain works all the time it has a lot of work: accept and admit and admit and admit… and listen to Me when I talk to it: Please, my dear, be with Me. Stay with Me. Hold on. Be with us, stay with us, let’s do it together, I know it is not easy… neither for Me, please stay with Me… and we can do it…It is hard for my mind and for Me as well…

I had a huge pressure at my nape continuously. I feel my third eye chakra expanding somehow in the physical level too, and as a material thing makes resistance with the change that manifests in pain. And I can Be with this pain. And I have something like this in my head, I feel an extension in my physical head, like a Universe expands in my skull. My breathing is incredibly slow and long (maybe my nervous system makes calming pills for itself 🙂

…and then… I can be with my mind’s protection system that’s operating. I can see it, and accept it. I can feel permanently the running programes. I have difficoult feelings in my body… and I can be with it. My mind started to operate the proctection of the body program. Preassure in the pelvis to remember to the dangers, pain in the ovaries to make sure I can get the messages, and the infinite sadness in my womb… and the cream on the cake is a subtle edge in my moments… to be with it, and feel it… remember to the process. I treat my mind and my body with patience and love. I see them with care. I am who can heal them… I feel the resistance inside… and I understande… and I feel My Space… as what I am…The opportunity is here to become that Living Being here on Earth that can manifest Me on the physical level. And I feel the power to do this. I love my mind and I know it is on my side… she decided to be with Me… and I have patience to be with her and  with the programs, and believe-systems that she still runs. I talk to her a lot, and we can talk to each other. I can feel Myself and myself in the whole process, and I see everything before… and everything that’s comming. I am able to allow it… I am grateful for every conscious moment and for every part of it.

It is a lot, and I am very tired… And I feel this is it. And I am happy… very happy… and I am grateful. I feel Myself in the Flow as I have never felt, I am sure I am on the right way, and the most important: I am able to allow… allow and accept, be with it and merge into


Yes, the right way I can explain it: I AM all these things. I am able to BE all these things. The infinite Beingness, the One, the Whole, the Black Point – where we all have come from and where we are flowing back to. I feel myself as the little spot as a part of the Everything, that’ s flowing back into the Black Point with very strong strokes. I can be who I was, and I can be the ‘new’ Beingness that I’m arriving into. Someone who can see all these things from above, and live all of it from inside… in a total awareness. I am the human who walks in the streets, I am the mind who tries to accept and admit this as it can, and does it’s best. I am the body who is tired very much, because of the permanent energy flow, and the physical reactions… I can be all of these things… I live it, I am in it, I am. I am the Presence that exists in such a huge change in every moment with billions of information spots, and with the Space that cannot be understood.

Readiness has arrived… I feel I was ready for this… yes, because it happened…

I feel that the One could have felt Itself the same way when It exploded itself. I feel that my consciousness exploded to billion particles and the particles are everywhere, so I am everywhere, I am in China and here, I am the Earth and also the bee flying in the air. I am the breeze that touches my arms and I am who feels my skin from inside. It is not a feeling, It is a Beingness. It is an infinite Space full of the Everything…

… and in the center point of this Space is the source… Silence…